Bridal Shower Planning Checklist

I always joke with whoever is asking me to be in their bridal party that they probably only asked me because they know I am going to be super extra with their bridal shower and bachelorette party (I mean, isn’t it necessary that each guest have their own puppy, wrapped up in a handmade basket while Beyonce sings a song she wrote exclusively for the event?) Ok so that might not ever happen, but if I could make that happen I would. Beyonce hit me up if you’re looking to expand your portfolio.

I know that not everyone out there is as comfortable with planning an event as I am. It’s ok, I totally suck at driving a stick and folding a fitted sheet (it always looks like I’m in a UFC match with a ghost whenever I attempt it) so we all have our strengths.

Print out my bridal shower planning checklist below, three hole punch that sucker and throw it in your binder. You can see all my checklists here and if you need someone to, like, I don’t know create beautiful custom graphics for your next event I *think* I might know a girl (ok, it’s me, I’m the girl)

checklist bridal shower planning how to plan a bridal shower

If you want to see how I designed other’s bridal showers then check out my events page! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to work together, in case you couldn’t tell I really really REALLY like what I do!

Wedding Decorations Checklist! (Girl, I Gotchu)

Planning a wedding can be stressful AF. There are so many things you need to do and all of the sudden you’re just supposed to be an expert at something you haven’t done before. When I was buying my home with my husband I remember feeling so overwhelmed. I had never bought a home before and here I was invest a lot of money into something and not feeling very confident in the decisions I was making.

The same thing happens to people when they plan a wedding. You have so many thoughts swirling around in your head, so many pinboards, so many ideas and so many people telling you what you should and shouldn’t do that you’re tempted to just give up and spend all your wedding money on a few rescue dogs, a boat, a new wardrobe and a fabulous puppy condo for all those rescue dogs you just got.

Hopefully this wedding decor checklist will help take some of the stress out of wedding planning! I’m going to be making more checklists so come back and check those out!

You can either print out the below graphic, or click here to download the jpg! 3 hole punch that bad boy and throw it in your wedding binder (don’t forget to print one out for your bestie who is also getting married!)

wedding decor checklist by yellow heart art-01.jpg

Be sure to check out my wedding shop for some inspiration for your own day! I always love hearing from you so please don’t hesitate to reach out and shoot me a message if you need any design help for your big day! (sending cute youtube videos of puppies optional but highly encouraged)

How To Word Your Wedding Invitations

Planning a wedding is *a lot* of work. There's finding all the vendors, making sure they're available for your date, scheduling payments (bye money, maybe one day we'll meet again), vendor meetings, finding a dress, getting wedding rings, picking wedding colors, finding flowers, organizing your bridal party....and that's not even all of it! 

The one thing I really loved about my wedding planning experience was actually my bridal shower.  It was wonderful because I didn't have to plan a thing! I just showed up, looked cute, ate great food, played fun games and got to go home with a ton of gifts (by the way check to see what your future husband is registering for or else you might end up with a drone at your bridal shower...) I didn't have to think about my shower at all, which is why I created this fun info graphic to help you figure out the right wording for your wedding invitations! Take the energy you would've spent figuring out the right way to word your wedding invites and put it towards a mani pedi. If you're feeling extra fancy grab one of those instagrammable cupcakes too (you know the ones with the pretty colors and crazy thingy-ma-jiggies all over it) 

how to word your wedding invitations, couples hosting wedding, parents hosting wedding, parents and couple hosting wedding, wedding wording etiquette

If you're still overwhelmed do the following steps: deep breath in (ooooohh) deep breath out (ahhhh), grab another cupcake (cupcakes don't count as calories when you're planning a wedding) and shoot me an email telling me what you need help with! I love creating invitations because it is literally the first taste your guests will get of your wedding! It is super important to not wait too long to order your invitations, you don't want to end up at your local kinkos printing out some rushed Microsoft word invitations with smudged ink and flimsy paper. That is not the tone you want to set for a day that you have spent so much time, energy and money planning!

This is the Wow Factor You Need on Your Wedding Day

Wedding season is upon us! I absolutely love this time of year, between being a hopeless romantic and a total design nerd I enjoy crying during sappy vows (and testing the staying power of my waterproof mascara) and seeing how the bride and groom used color and design to evoke their personality on their wedding day.  After planning my own wedding, designing weddings/events for my own friends and family and being a bridesmaid 6 times I've experience enough weddings from all different angles now to see what simple steps a bride and groom can do to really elevate their day.

this is the wow factor you need ony our wedding day get the details here!

There is one detail that sometimes gets overlooked at weddings and that is the table decor. Hear me out, yes you spend weeks picking out flowers that you cant even pronounce or even new existed to create the perfect centerpiece, but there is more to a table than that! The tables are essentially little mini hubs, they're the place people congregate to when they want to catch up with friends or family they haven't seen in a while, it's where they're seated when you're introduced for the first time as husband and wife, it's where they will be chowing down on your awesome food, it's where your guests will go when they need to give their dancing feet a break and don't forget a place setting is pretty much the first thing people really take in when they walk into your venue for the first time.

Your guests will be hanging out at their tables A LOT, if you really want to elevate their experience on your wedding then adding little extra details to their "hub" is the way to go!

before and after, how having custom menus completely changes the look of your wedding day.

I believe that food tastes better when you order it off of a nicely designed menu ;) It's so easy to accidentally ignore this detail or *gasp* use the menus that the catering hall supplies to you (you know the ones, they're black and white printed on flimsy computer paper and often times cut unevenly by their intern and photocopied multiple times at kinkos) you are investing SO MUCH in your day, don't overlook your menus, table numbers and place cards! They make a world of difference!

cactus succulent menu tablescape LEONORA YELLOW HEART ART.jpg

if you're ready to elevate your day let me help you! Design is my passion, I pour my heart into it and treat every single event and wedding like it is my own (go ahead, ask my husband) You can check out more of my designs here or shoot me a line here (sending videos of puppies is option but highly encouraged)

Custom Branding Design: Elizabeth Carroll Photography

I am so excited to share with you all the recent brand design that I created for Elizabeth or Elizabeth Carroll Photography. She came to me a few weeks ago for a logo design. She loved geometrics, blush and gold (a girl clearly after my own heart) so I of course jumped on the opportunity to create something for her!

This was a lot of fun for me to design because this was the first time that I ever incorporated a pattern into a logo. I absolutely love how it turned out!

If you have a great idea for your own personal brand but are having a hard time with the execution of it then I would love to collaborate with you! Let's connect and chat about your blog or business!

I also love to chat with boss ladies about how to improve their own business to have it reach next level awesome! To see my coaching services click here!

The Dos and Don'ts of Designing Your Logo

I thought today's business tip might be fun in the form of an infographic. It took a while for me to make but I think it's so fun to read! What are some logo tips you have learned or been told?

What other types of business and/or graphic design tips would you guys like to know? If you want one-on-one attention to help your business grow you can click here to learn more about my coaching services! If you're happy with your business but feel like you're struggling with your brand I would love to chat with you about your brand identity and working together to design a look that is perfect for you!